Death grant

Regular death grant

At the death of a recipient of a work disability pension who had reached retirement age, or who had a disability degree was of 50% or more, a lump-sum grant is paid to his spouse, and if there is no spouse, the grant is paid to his child, provided that the child meets the definition of a child under the National Insurance Law.

In general, the death grant is paid automatically.


Please note,

If the deceased person did not have a spouse at the time of his death, a death grant will be paid only to a child who did not reach 18 years of age yet, or even, under certain circumstances, to a child who did not reach 24 years of age yet - in accordance with the definition of child under the Law. 

The amount of death grant is NIS 10,268 (as of Jan 01, 2025).

Death of two spouses within a short interval 

If both spouses died within a short period - a death grant is paid also to the person who bore most of the expenses for the gravestones, if all the following conditions are met: 

  1. The surviving spouse was entitled to a death grant on account of his spouse's death and didn't receive it.
  2. The second spouse died within 100 days since the day of his spouse's death.
  3. The first spouse had no child as defined by the National Insurance Law.

In this case, the grant is not paid automatically, and one must fill out a claim form for death grant payment.


Increased death grant

In the following cases, an increased grant will be paid to the widow/widower, or if there is no widow/widower to the child, if he or she meets the definition of child under the National Insurance Law: 

  • The deceased was entitled to a work disability pension at a rate of at least 50%, for the 36 months close to and preceding his death.
  • The widow/widower or child of the deceased is not entitled to a dependent's pension, because the death was not caused by a work injury.
  • The average income of the widow/widower in the year preceding the entitled person's death was not over twice the average wage under the National Insurance Law - NIS 26,632 (as of Jan 01, 2025)

The amount of the increased death grant is equal to a 60% work disability pension multiplied by 36.

The increased death grant will is paid in two equal installments as follows:

  • First - upon the expiration of the right to a work disability pension with the entitled person's death;
  • Second - at the end of a year from the day of the death.

There can be no entitlement to both the regular death grant and the increased death grant.